Solved by a verified expert :Discussion 1 Week 7C OL LA PS EData Collection and ManagementResearch data collection and management clearly impacts a study’s statistical outcome; faulty orincomplete data collection and management could completely invalidate study results, even when thestudy protocol was otherwise impeccably followed. This makes it important to pay close attention to thedata collection and management strategies designated in the protocol.To prepare for this Discussion, think about the types of data that are collected in clinical trials and thevarious methods for managing these data.By Day 4, post a comprehensive response to the following:Why is it important for the professionals who design a research database to be part of theprotocol development team? How do they contribute to the protocol’s development?Many clinical trials are moving toward electronic data capture. What are the some advantagesand disadvantages of this change?Can electronic data be kept truly confidential? Why or why not? What is the purpose of anelectronic signature?250 words and in-text citation (APA)Discussion 2 Week 7C OL LA PS ESpecial Topics in Protocol DevelopmentThis week, you will discuss a few special topics associated with protocol development, includingconsiderations for vulnerable populations, challenges of conducting clinical trials in emergency medicine,and concerns for study subject diversity in clinical trials.To prepare for this Discussion, consider what you have read in the Learning Resources about thesespecial issues.By Day 4, post a comprehensive response to the following:It is well known that many approved drugs are used in children and pregnant women, althoughthese drugs have never been tested in these vulnerable populations. Do you think clinical trials should beconducted in children and pregnant women to determine the efficacy and safety of these drugs? Why orwhy not?What special issues might be encountered when conducting a clinical trial in an emergency-roomsetting?Should special efforts be made to increase the enrollment of cultural and ethnic minorities inclinical trials, and if so, what steps would you propose? 250 words and in-text citation (APA)
Expert Answer :Research data collection and management clearly im
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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