Solved by a verified expert :Assignment:Impacts of a borderless societyWe live in a world where geographic boundaries cease toexist when it comes to goods, services, and even food. Wethink nothing of having freshly squeezed orange juice orkiwis for breakfast, even if we live in New York City with 10inches of snow on the ground in the middle of January. Welive in an age where everything and anything is available forconsumption year-round at your local grocery store.However, this convenience also comes with potentially majorecological and economic impacts (both positive andnegative). For example, the coffee you drink may come frombeans imported from Columbia, the sugar you use maycome from India, or the steaks you sear on the grill mayhave come from Argentina. How much fuel was spenttransporting these products across the ocean? Were anypesticides used? If so, was it done in a sustainable fashion?Were forests cleared to make room for grazing herds orlarger agricultural fields? These are just a few of the manyquestions we should be asking ourselves when we make ourselections at the grocery storeExplore the following resources to learn more about thefoods we rely on and the variety of ways in which we canacquire them.The People’s Garden by the United States Department ofAgriculture direct=true&db=bth&AN=21054770&site=eds-live this assignment, analyze the meal provided by yourinstructor. Include the following analysis within yourdiscussion:•••••If you were to purchase each item at a local chain grocerystore, where would these items be sourced from. Forexample, where were the fruits, vegetables, and/or meatsgrown immediately prior to sale (do not discuss the history ororigin of the item i.e., “corn or maize originated in Mexicoaround 2500 BC…). Discuss the events that allowed yourlocal grocery store to carry these items:What farming methods were likely used to grow these itemsand how do these methods impact the environment aroundthe farms as well as the employees who work within theseestablishments?Were the items grown and shipped in from another country?What types of processing and packaging must take place inorder for you to be able to purchase the product? If you wereto follow the suggestions shared within the articles providedabove, where could you purchase the items (provide specificsources within your local community)? If a food item is notavailable locally, is there an alternative that you could use asa substitute?Discuss the ecological and economic advantages anddisadvantages of purchasing food items that are locallysourced versus those shipped from other areas of thecountry and from around the world. Use your textbookreading for this unit in order to explore the environmentalimpacts, and use these to further analyze the impacts ourfood purchases may have on the environment. •The food choices we make have the potential to generateboth local and global impacts. This can be summarized inthe phrase “Think Globally, Act Locally.” Based upon youranalysis of the meal provided by your instructor for thisassignment, discuss how the choices you make whenplanning and buying meals might change in the future andhow your choices, when combined with those of others, canhave a global impact.This project should be a minimum of 1,000-words in APAstyle format. As always, be sure to provide appropriatecitations, references, and links to any information you use inthis paper. Your paper should include a minimum of 5sources. These can include those provided within the projectdirections and the course materials. Be sure to avoidcopying and pasting large sections of text from any givensource. For help with citations, refer to the APA QuickReference.