Solved by a verified expert :CIS3008 IT Service Management 2016 Sem 1Major Assignment – Page 1Assignment 3 Important informationThis assignment must be your own work. It is acceptable to discuss course content with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements, but solutions to assignment questions must be done on your own. You must not copy from anyone, including tutors and fellow students, nor allow others to copy your work. All Assignments will be checked using collusion monitoring tools to ensure that each assignment is the original work of the submitting student. Assignments that do not adhere to this requirement will be deemed as being the result of collusion or plagiarism. This may lead to severe academic penalties as outlined in USQ Policy Library: Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure. It is your own responsibility to ensure the integrity of your work. Refer to the USQ Policy Library for more details: · Academic Integrity Policy
· Academic Integrity ProcedurePlease note that:
USQ’s Assessment – Assignment (Late Submission) and Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances procedures relate to Extensions and Late Assignments. They can be found under the following links:
· Assessment – Assignment (Late Submission) Procedure:
· Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedures:
An Assignment submitted after the due date without an approved extension of time will be penalised. The penalty for late submission is a reduction by five percent (5%) of the maximum mark applicable for the assignment, for each University Business Day or part Business Day that the assignment is late. An assignment submitted more than ten (10) University Business Days after the due date will have a mark of zero recorded for that Assignment.
·The StudyDesk Assignments submission tool will accept late assignments up until 23:55pm on the 10thUniversity Business Day after the due date.CIS3008 IT Service Management 2016 Sem 1 Major Assignment – Page 2Assignment 3This assignment specifically addresses four of the learning objectives of the course: ● LO1:demonstrate a critical awareness of the importance of IT service management and the need for organisations to ensure that effective processes are in place to manage the significant investment in IT infrastructure
● LO2:demonstrate an awareness of the nature and contribution of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and ISO/IEC 20000 in providing good practice frameworks for IT service management
● LO3:demonstrate the capacity to comprehend and evaluate the objectives, activities and associated roles and responsibilities to enable effective planning, management and improvement of IT service processes.
● LO4:apply the international standard for IT service management to case studies including the IT service strategy, service design, service transition, service operation and continual service improvement.
One articles is provided on Ho Chi Minh Securities Corporation.
For the purpose of this assignment, assume the role of consultant(s) who have been hired by Ho Chi Minh Securities Corporation (HSC) to contribute to a review of IT Service Management at HSC. You will prepare a report for MrAnhDiep, Head of IT at HSC.
Refer to the marking criteria for details of mark allocations.
Note: the word count does not include letter of transmittal, executive summary, references or appendices.
USQ has a licence for Turnitin software. This online software enables students to check their assignment prior to submission. I encourage all students to use this facility to avoid allegations of academic misconduct from unintentional plagiarism from internet sources.
DescriptionMarks out ofWtg(%)Due dateAssignment 3
Word count:3000–4000 words1003010 May 2016CIS3008 IT Service Management 2016 Sem 1 Major Assignment – Page 3Referencing requirements for assignment 3References are required and the Harvard AGPS standard of referencing must be used. Plagiarism, collusion and cheating will be severely penalised.Ensure that your reports are fully referenced, including any reference to the text book. Your report should include in-text references and a List of References.Another usefullink on referencing is from USQ’s Library site: