Solved by a verified expert :The Eastern Concept of CollectivenessInstructions: Please write a one (1) page paper on any aspect of China or India that contributed to the Eastern concept of collectiveness in society. The paper must be in APA format. Examples you might choose from include religion, philosophy, government, business or any combination of these or others you think best demonstrate the concept of collectivism. Remember to also state how this concept can be seen in, or strongly influenced, modern societies.Grading Rubric:Use of correct APA formatting (max. 5 points)Paper is free of grammatical and/or spelling errors (max. 10 points)Use of at least one outside source with proper citation/reference (max. 5 points)Student wrote at least one page of text of 250 words (max. 20 points)Clearly stating:• what their selection was, (max. 20 points)• how it demonstrated collectivism in Eastern Civilization, (max. 20 points) and• related it to modern societies, values, or history (max. 20 points)
Expert Answer :The Eastern Concept of Collectiveness
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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