Solved by a verified expert :While planning for a new project, a young developer mentions that she used Facebook as a collaborative group space for developing her senior project. She tells you that it was the ideal solution since it was free and all of her group members were friends with her. Further, she tells you that your company should do the same thing. Explain whether or not you think that Facebook would be a proper venue for your developers to collaborate. Give at least three reasons for your answer.Imagine you were going to be teaching this class next semester and you were given the choice to teach it asynchronously distributed interface, synchronously distributed interface, or face-to-face. Choose one of these techniques to teach the class and describe why you chose the presentation style you did. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages associated with the style you chose.
Expert Answer :While planning for a new project
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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