Solved by a verified expert :1) Choose either Arab Nationalism or Islamism. Describe the origins of this movement. What are some major principles of this ideology? Why was this movement able to resonate with civil societies in the region? Is this movement historically homogenous? If not, what are the differing ideological orientations present in the movement? In what way do movements such as these pose a challenge to the legitimacy of regional nation-states?2).Discuss the political role of women in the Middle East. Describe the debate regarding formal vs. informal political participation. What is Dr. Ali Gomma’s perspective? How are women in the region using a form of “post-Islamist Feminism” to gain more influence in the public sphere? How might the Arab Spring impact female public sphere political participation in the region
Expert Answer :Choose either Arab Nationalism or Islamism-Describ
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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