Solved by a verified expert :1) Scientists often use ontological (developmental) data to identify and classify organisms, because this type of data has shown to corroborate genetic data.A) What developmental features of the Chordates help classify them into a single clade (i.e., a monophyletic group)?B)Is there a single shared, DERIVED trait in the Deuterostomia that helps classify them into a single clade? Why or why not?2) Compare and contrast the internal anatomy of the shark and the bony fish. What are TWO major differences? Are these differences related to adaptation to different modes of life, or are they more likely to be related to genetic and developmental constraints?3) Compare the skeletons of the fish, frog, tortoise, pigeon, rabbit, bat, and snake. Discuss evolutionary adaptations of the forelimb structures that allow them to use different modes of locomotion. Use technical terms (radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges) in your answer.4) Compare the vertebrate forelimb to the appendages of the crayfish. Which crayfish appendages (if any) are analogous to the vertebrate forelimb? Which crayfish appendages (if any) are homologous to the vertebrate forelimb?
Expert Answer :Scientists often use ontological (developmental) d
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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