Solved by a verified expert :Module 6 assignment –
HR Application
*This assignment is a continuation of HR Application 3
featured in Module 5**
Training for the new employees at Kareco has just ended.
Discuss how you would evaluate training outcomes based on the 4 levels of
outcomes discussed in this module and in your textbook.
To refresh your memory, here are the topics that were
covered in training:
History of the organization
Orientation to company policies
Kareco product line
Manufacturing plant safety protocols
Electric wheelchair parts
Wheelchair housing & primary wheel-base assembly
Electric wheelchair functions & controls (for quality testing)
Design and troubleshooting of the wheelchair power-pack
Be sure to address the following:
What levels of outcome will you evaluate for which topics?
What specific criteria will you use to measure training
(If you plan to use questionnaires or surveys at any level,
please include sample items.)
You should expect to take 2-3 pages (double-spaced, 12-point
font) for your response (not including any necessary reference pages). Be sure
to respond to all parts of the issue.
Submit your response paper to the appropriate course drop
box no later than Sunday, 11:59 PM EST/EDT.
When you save your document, please make sure it includes
the format: “Lastname Firstname HR Application 4.”