Solved by a verified expert :Week 1: Unit 1 LectureIntroductionPublic policy affects all citizens in different ways. For example; a citizen driving too fastis arrested for speeding, or when watching TV the FCC and FTC regulate what appearson TV. Citizens also complain when they have to pay taxes, but little do they realize thefederal and local governments are providing such services to protect citizens such aspolice and fire services.This course is about learning Public Policy, why we study it and the impact of publicpolicy on the daily lives of citizens. To begin Public Policy needs to be defined. The termpublic policy refers to the actions of government and the intentions that determine thoseactions. Another formal definition is an intentional course of action followed by agovernment institution or official for resolving an issue of public concerns.After reading the definition three key words are significant to our understanding of publicpolicy; 1) intentional, 2) actions by the government, and 3) public concerns. First thepolicy is an intentional action which also includes decisions not to take a certain action.Secondly, the policy is initiated by a government official, but it should e noted they maystep outside of the boundaries of the law when changing society. Finally, the primarypurpose of public policy is to improve citizen’s quality of life.Classifications of PolicyWhen one studies public policy, as the definition stated, it’s intentional. Therefore, publicpolicy attempts to achieve certain goals which we can put into four classifications basedon purpose. The first is security, both from the internal and external threats to the lives,liberties, and properties of its citizens. Common and familiar public policies related tosecurity are national defense and crime policies. This of course is to protect all citizens ofsociety form getting hurt or harmed by others. This classification has taken on muchinterest since the 9/11 incident. A second classification is membership, that isdetermining who is and who is not a member of society. Being a member of societyoffers certain rights and privileges that non-members of society do not enjoy. A memberof society is known to have what we call citizenship. Much heated debate amongpoliticians and scholars have been protecting our borders and how to manage illegalimmigrants. The third classification is prosperity. The questions facing our governmentsare the economy. Living in a capitalist society how does government control evendistribution, or is there such a policy? Lastly, the government helps people to meet needs.Although, the government has some influence, but entirely, it needs to take a lead role ineducation.During this course students will be challenged to explore these four differentclassifications by defining, researching, and providing solutions. Although, this may bedifficult as with most public policies, the student will engage in the on-going debatessociety and its citizens have with the true intentions of the government to provide astrong quality life among its citizens.Stages of Public PolicyPolitical scientists and policymaking agencies focus on a process which ideas andproposals are designed prior to going public. The first part of the process is called the“Pre-policy Stages”, which leads into the “Policy Stages”. The “pre-policy stages whichprovide a basis for policy initiatives are; 1) problem definition, 2) policy demands, and 3) agenda formation. Before a policy issue is defines or adopted, a problem of publicconcern must be perceived. During this process ethical and ideological perspective areshared, where people will perceive the problem from different angles. During this part ofthe process different groups will have contrasting opinions and different formulations forthe issues. This leads to the next stage, policy demands. From the policy demands aremade for government action. What follows is the struggle and power to put thesedemands on political agendas. Because all legislative and executive bodies are limitedwith the number of issues on their agendas, people are trying to push their way on tothese agendas and move towards policy adoption.The second part of the process for public policies is Policy Stages. The first is policyadoption. This is where policy demands are reviewed and consideration is made as towhat policies need to take the form of regulation or law. Once the policy is accepted itmoves to the next stage of implementation where citizens look at the outputs. What arethe results and performance as a result of implementing this policy are often asked. Thiswhere an evaluation is made of the policy’s consequences and then finally finishes withproblem redefinitionThe American government has always been preoccupied with the economy, with its mainobjective being preserving the property rights of its citizens. However, other economicfactors have taken priority such as economic growth, level of unemployment,international competition, and scarcity of natural resources. The one variable that hasbeen constant is that economic activity and government are intertwined; therefore anactivity in one area has major consequences in another. This section addresses the qualityof life and economic development addresses the concerns for economic policy.Lecture one( attach files below) discusses the four classifications of public policy and the three stages, choose a public policy issue they feel is significant. Many of the issues can be found on the internet and research journal. The following outline below is designed to assist the student when writing this paper. (Paper is 1,000 words, doubled spaced, times roman, 12 font)Outline:State the public policy problemExplain why this policy is significantIdentify which public policy classification this specific issues should be assignedFinally, apply the three stages for this public policy
Expert Answer :Week 1-Public policy affects all citizens in diffe
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