Solved by a verified expert :American Winter is an award-winning HBO documentary about eight Oregon familiesand how they are dealing with the recession. It highlights the human impact ofdecreased social services funding, as well as the shrinking middle class. Thisdocumentary is on a 3-hour reserve through the OSU library (Valley Reserves MediaVR 2330).Do not forget to adhere to the basic extra credit instructions posted on Canvas.Answer the following questions:1.Identify one of the families in the film and describe an experience that they had thatsignificantly affected you. Describe how their experience made you feel.2.A common belief about people living in poverty or receiving public assistance is that theyare lazy, stupid freeloaders who don’t want to work. Did this film illustrate that? How so?3.The phrase “The faces of poverty” is frequently used to describe the people who live inpoverty and how they are a very diverse group. What “faces of poverty” did you seeillustrated in the film?4.One of the men interviewed in the film was Nick Hanauer. He is a Venture Capitalist andwrote a book titled “Gardens of Democracy”. He said, “We’re all better off when we’re allbetter off.” What did he mean?