Solved by a verified expert :Week 1 Course Information Assessment
1.Question : The course outcomes are based upon _____.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials of
Master’s Education
Course Outcomes
learning objectives
student participation

Question 2. Question
The discussion posting criteria can be found in _____. (Choose
three answers for a total of 2 points.)

the Dropbox
Course Resources
the Student Handbook
the syllabus

Question 3. Question
The assignments and readings for the week can be found in
the _____. (Choose two answers for a total of 2 points.)

Course Resources files
weekly Assignments pages

Question 4. Question
The student must provide a substantive answer supported by
outside scholarly sources to the threaded discussion forum by _____.

Monday at 11:59 p.m. MT
Tuesday at 11:59 a.m. MT
Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. MT
Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT

Question 5. Question
A student must post a minimum of _____ time(s) on three
different days in each discussion thread.


Question 6. Question
The Library can be accessed via _____. (Choose three answers
for a total of 2 points.)

the Student Resources link
Syllabus in NR500 (but it may
not be so in other classes)

Question 7. Question
You are writing a paper for an assignment and you are unsure
about grammar issues. Which source would you choose for help?

Course Resources

Question 8. Question
Which criteria describe a substantive peer response? (Choose
four that apply for a total of 3 points.)

Adds content or insights
Asks a question that will add to
the learning experience
Generates more discussion
Posted by Wednesday at 11:59
p.m. MT
Supported by scholarly

Question 9. Question
A response to the instructor in the discussions is
considered a peer response.


Question 10. Question
You have a written assignment that must be submitted to
Turnitin. Where would you look for information on how to use Turnitin?

Course Resources

Question 11. Question
You submit an assignment to Turnitin and the similarity
report is 26%. What should you do? (Choose four answers for a total of 3

Do nothing and submit the
assignment as is.
the areas that indicate high similarity.
Look at the highlighted areas
for more information.
Paraphrase my work.
Resubmit the assignment to
Turnitin after ing it.

Question 12. Question
You have an emergency that will affect your ability to
complete your assignment on time. Who should you contact first?

Course instructor
Student Services

Question 13. Question
You are taking a course that has an e-book but you really
prefer to have a printed copy of the text. What options do you have? (Choose
two answers for a total of 2 points.)

Order the e-book.
Use print on demand
Purchase the book through the
You have no other option but to
purchase the e-book.

Question 14. Question
Course Resources has several resources available. Which of
the following are available under Course Resrouces?

APA resources
Assignment information
Dropbox information
Turnitin information
All of the above

Question 15. Question
You or family members of yours are having some issues that
you would like to discuss with a professional, but you do not have the
financial resources to do so. Who can you contact 24/7 for help?

Course Resources

Question 16. Question
You purchased a computer but you have discovered that it
does not have Microsoft Word. You realize that you need this program to
complete your written assignments for Chamberlain. Where can you get one free
download of Microsoft Office?

Course Resources
The student software store

Question 17. Question
You are preparing your discussion board question and you
want to support it with scholarly information from a journal article. You
access the Chamberlain Library but are not sure what to do next. You could

choose a database from those available first
contact the librarian
Google it
use Smarthinking

Question 18. Question
You are not familiar with Dropbox or Turnitin. Where can you
find instructions on these within the course?

Discussion board
Course Resources

Question 19. Question
Did you watch the MSN NSO?


Question 20. Question
You have a question about APA format for your assignment.
Which resources can help you with more information?

The APA website
Course Resources files
The Purdue OWL website
All of the above

Question 21. Question
You responded to the discussion forum question by Wednesday.
According to the discussion board grading criteria, your response to the
question would be considered on time.


Question 22. Question
You have a question about an assignment or instructor
feedback. Who should you contact first?

Course instructor