Solved by a verified expert :Week 2 assignment 2
Incident Summary and Role of Emergency Operations
For this assignment you will compose the Incident Summary and
the Role of Emergency Operations sections of the AAR. The incident summary
should clarify the incident’s details to ensure your readers understand the
scope of the situation under analysis. The Role of Emergency Operations section
should analyze the EO response during the incident, discuss whether the plans
in place were comprehensive and sufficient to guide response efforts, and
determine how emergency operations plans can be improved.
Emergency operations plans (EOPs) are critical to provide an
effective response during an emergency or disaster. Emergency operations
planning is complex because it requires the coordination of multiple agencies
and must account for the many hazards and threats that could strike a
community. Utilizing the all-hazards approach and conducting risk assessments
of the surrounding region are necessary for effective planning. It is also
essential for an EOP to clearly coordinate efforts among government officials
and agencies, emergency responders, and the community to be effective. Finally,
EOPs must conform to federal; state; and local standards, policies, and
procedures as required by law.
For the Role of Emergency Operations sections, research and
analyze the response efforts of your selected incident. Consider whether or not
the response efforts evinced effective planning. Can you detect where response
efforts may have strayed from the EOP or can you detect where the plans may not
have been sufficient to guide all response functions? Available details on the
EOP may vary depending on the incident you select. If details are scarce, rely
on your professional judgment and knowledge about operations to determine
whether or not the response was indicative of effective planning. If there were
major problems with response, there were likely problems with the plan. See if
you can pinpoint those problems.
Finally, pay particular attention to the role of communications
in the response. Nearly every response effort is hampered in some way by
communication problems. What communication problems are evident in your
Complete your research and then submit the following:
An incident summary overviewing the major details of the
incident. Include a description of the chain of events, major stakeholders, and
consequences (1-2 pages).
The Role of Emergency Operations section of your AAR. Discuss
the major strengths of the response, the primary challenges or errors made
during the response, and recommend both short- and long-term improvements to
the EOP that would ensure a more effective response to emergency situations in
the future. Be sure to discuss the role of communications and recommendations
for improving communications in this section (3-4 pages).
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in
the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using
the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the
rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment
criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please
refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.