Solved by verified expert :231) A
theory is an organized system of assumptions and principles that purports to
explain a specified set of phenomena and their interrelationships.

232) A
hypothesis is a statement that attempts to predict or to account for a set of

233) A
theory is a statement that attempts to predict or to account for a set of

234) Terms
used in hypotheses are given operational definitions, which specify how the
phenomena in question are to be observed and measured.

235) Violations
of the principle of falsifiability are rare in everyday life.

236) The
principle of falsifiability is the tendency to look for information that
confirms one’s beliefs, thereby avoiding information that would prove one’s
beliefs to be false.

237) Confirmation
bias is the tendency to look for information that supports one’s beliefs.

238) According
to the principle of falsifiability, a scientific theory must make predictions
that are specific enough to expose the theory to the possibility of

239) Replication
is an essential part of the scientific process.

240) Replication
occurs when scientists repeat a study in order to verify or challenge its findings.

241) In
order to maintain scientific objectivity, psychologists and other scientists
cannot work on research that is sponsored by private, for-profit businesses.

242) Scientists
are expected to submit their results for peer review before any announcements
regarding the study are made to the public.

243) Descriptive
methods yield characterizations of behaviour but not necessarily causal

244) Experiments
yield descriptions of behaviour but cannot provide causal explanations.

245) Case
studies are most commonly used by clinicians.