Solved by a verified expert :Graph InternationalYour essays should be in your own words (at least 80% is a good standard). If you use material word-for-word from the textbook or another source be sure to use quotation marks and in-text citations. Your essays should address each section of the essay question in a complete response of at least 200 words.Write a paper incorporating the external influences that impact business. You should address each facet illustrated below. Your paper needs to be a minimum of three pages in length, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, using APA style guidelines. The reference listings and title page do not count towards the minimum page requirement. An abstract is not required.Your paper should also include a minimum of four sources/references, in addition to your textbook. At least two sources must come from any of the academic databases located in the CSU Online Library. Please do not plagiarize others’ work or submit a paper you have previously submitted. All sources quoted or paraphrased must have proper in-text citations with a corresponding listing in the reference page.You are to choose one U.S. based company that has global operations in another country. You are to discuss each facet below and how it may impact the way the company you chose does business internationally. For example, the legal systems are civil law, common law, and theocratic law. If Coca-Cola does business in Iran, how does the theocratic legal system impact the way Coca-Cola does business? Thus, you are to;? Delineate the legal systems and discuss which legal system and political ideology applies to the country you chose that the company does business in. ?Delineate the economic systems and discuss which economic system applies to the country you chose that the company does business in. ?Discuss the culture of the country (both verbal and nonverbal) and how it may impact the way the company does business internationally.For additional help on APA format or writing in general, please visit the CSU Learning Resources and Success Center.
Expert Answer :Write a paper incorporating the external influence
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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