Solved by a verified expert :Students will develop a short paper critically analyzing key content. “Critical Thinking involves analysis, evaluation, and a synthesizing of facts, ideas, opinions and theories” (Jones, 2013). Use the material from the textbook, discussion boards, videos, and other resources to assist you in developing your paper. (Note: Wikipedia is not a scholarly resource).Papers will be 3-4 pages in content length, mostly narrative in format. See the Rubric attached for specific details to guide you in developing your papers. Papers must follow APA guidelines (especially in regards to citing sources to avoid plagiarized work).The paper will include:Title/cover pageIntroductionContent/Critical Thinking Analysis: FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT-Illustrate your approach to “facilitation”-your style, personal values, and include areas for improvement to become a skilled facilitator. Analyze if your “style” is effective in your organization-why or why not. Students will analyze, evaluate, synthesize 2-3 key concepts/theories/models covered in the course to support your paper. Provide examples (clear, specific, and justify your opinions with facts) on how you can apply these concepts/theories/models within an organization.Summary/ConclusionReferencesAdditional resources for students as you develop your paper:Article-Leadership Styles:
Expert Answer :Wilmington MOL 6200 – Critical Thinking involves a
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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