Solved by a verified expert :The Linguists (1:04:29) – (20 points)(You may find answers to these questions throughout the film)1. Why do linguists study languages, and what is lost when a language dies?2. What areas do Gregory and David choose when they are looking for languages to research?3. Who typically stops speaking the indigenous language, and why do you think that is?4. What has been the role of boarding schools on the use of indigenous languages? Provide someexamples.5. What is the conflict between education for indigenous groups and preservation of language? Isthere a way to resolve this conflict to the benefit of the indigenous groups?6. Since many tribal people are not Hindu, where do they fit within the Hindu paradigm of theworld?7. What is elicitation?8. In what way or ways does Kallawya have great importance for Western societies?9. How is language typically transmitted within a culture and what makes Kallawya different?10. Why do researchers Gregory and David show indigenous people the audio and video records theycreated?11. Using the website, find how many languages in the world arethreatened or endangered, and which are the languages that have the fewest speakers in theworld. Which region has the most threatened languages in the world?Instructions and cautions: Please develop a 2-3 page paper in which you discuss the importance oflanguage to culture, the number of languages that are threatened today, what is being done to preservethem, and what is lost when a language dies along with weaving the answers to the questions above in acomplete film evaluation. Be sure to use examples from the film or from the website, but try not to usethe words directly used in the film. Say what you need to say in your own words, and allow any quotesyou use to support what YOU are saying. When you upload your paper to Canvas through Turnitin, ifyour little folder icon is yellow or red, it will automatically not be accepted because your similaritypercentages are just too high. This means you will need to rewrite your essay to reduce the similarityindex to either a green or, ideally, a blue icon. You are allowed to submit your paper as many times asyou need to before the deadline, but once the deadline has passed, you will NOT be allowed to rewriteyour paper. Please be sure to consult the rubric below before you begin this project. If you use ANYoutside sources, you MUST cite then in your paper where you are using them, and you also MUST listthem at the end of your paper, otherwise, you will have committed plagiarism and your paper will notreceive any credit. Do this more than once, and your paper will be sent to the Dean of Students and youwill be required to meet with them. Anything beyond two times, and you will automatically fail thecourse and it will be up to the Dean of Students whether you will be dismissed from the university. 16-20 12-15 8-11 3-7 1-2 Overall contentand what youfound mostinteresting Very insightful,well-organized,thoroughtreatment of topic General notesabout the topic orfilm, not wellorganized Uses several clearexamples fromfilm and/orwebsite andexplains how theyare significantVery insightful andclear there wastime taken toanswer thisquestion Adequatesummary of filmwith littleconnection tocourseUses someexamples but doesnot explain whythey aresignificant Short summary offilm, presented insegments withoutconnecting ideas Use of film and/orwebsite Good summary,brings upinteresting pointsbut not wellsupportedUses severalexamples but doesnot draw solidconnections topoints made in thefilm or paper.Thoughtful butnot insightful;clear there wasthought taken, butmany additionalconnections couldbe made Uses fewexamples & doesnot connect themto the broaderconcerns of thefilmJust a sentence ortwo to complywith theinstructions No examples; noevidence websitewas viewed Points: What was thevalue of showingthe film, and ofwhat value is thewebsite? Attempt toanswer thequestion, but notdrawing clearconnections to thecourse. No commentsabout the use ofthe film in class;no evidencewebsite wasviewedthe film is from here