Solved by a verified expert :Computing Concepts 1 Group 11. Which of the following is NOT a basic computer operation?a. Processingb. Storagec. Inputd. Throughput2. The computer function in which raw data is received is known as:a. processing.b. output.c. input.d. storage.3. The most important type of memory that a typical computer uses during the processing operation is ________ memory.a. flashb. storagec. random accessd. read-only4. Typing a document into the computer is an example of:a. output.b. processing.c. storage.d. input.5. A feeling of anxiety and incapacity experienced when people are presented with more information than they can handle is known as:a. digital distress.b. digital anxiety.c. computerized stress syndrome.d. information overload.6. Which of the following is a type of product that complements the human body’s best posture and functionality?a. Esotericb. Ergocentricc. Ergonomicd. Natural7. ________ is a portable, wireless, paperback-sized e-book reading device that includes a text-tospeech function.a. Kindle 2b. Netbookc. Wikid. Digital e-book8. The most widely used pointing device is the:a. keyboard.b. trackball.c. mouse.d. joystick.9. The ________ is a pattern of bars printed on merchandise that stores information about the item.a. MICRb. OMRc. EDId. UPC10. A representation of an image as a matrix of pixels is called a ________ image.a. digit recognitionb. scannedc. digitizedd. bit-mapped11. What is the resolution of an Ultra Extended Graphic Array adapter?a. 800 x 600b. 1,280 x 1,024c. 1,024 x 768d. 1,600 x 1,20012. A pie-shaped wedge of a hard disk is called which of the following?a. Trackb. Clusterc. Platterd. Sector13. The amount of time it takes a device from the request for information to that information’s delivery is known as: a. cycle time.b. cache time.c. read time.d. access time.14. Starting a computer that is already turned on is called a:a. power on.b. warm load.c. cold boot.d. warm boot.15. System utilities:a. have to be accessed through applications.b. are loaded before the operating system is loaded.c. perform functions such as protecting your computer from viruses.d. include features such as a word-processing program.16. Virtual memory is an enhanced way to utilize the main memory by:a. creating pages of variable size to use when the swap file is full.b. using a part of ROM as an extension of RAM to conserve the main memory.c. using a hard disk swap file when memory is full.d. dividing data and instructions into multitasking units.17. Which of the following computer interfaces is the most popular?a. GUIb. Menu-drivenc. Shortcut keystrokesd. Command-line18. ________ is a Windows 7 feature, which enables users to instantly see a list of relevant documents, pictures, music, and e-mails on their PCs that match the entered description.a. Snapb. Jump listc. Windows Searchd. Pin19. The right way to select a computer requires all of the following EXCEPT:a. understanding the relative value of computer system components.b. determining your software needs.c. understanding the terminology of computer system components.d. buying a computer based on price.20. With the advent of ________, users can create a virtual Windows PC on their Mac.a. HiFDb. VMwarec. SXGAd. PCI Express21. Which of the following is another term for aperture grill?a. Dot pitchb. LCD maskc. Raster latticed. Electron mesh22. Which of the following is a connected storage device?a. Memoryb. Cachec. Optic cardd. Drive23. Which of the following techniques uses color intensity to add realism to a three-dimensional object?a. Bitmappingb. Ray tracingc. Image editingd. Lossy compression24. ________, a new wave of office suites, makes it possible to share files with others, resulting in easier group collaboration.a. Web-hosted technologyb. Internet User softwarec. Multimedia softwared. Web-browser technology25. Most software licenses included with programs that you purchase give you the right to install the program on: a. all the computers in your office.b. any of your classmates’ computers because it will be used for educational purposes.c. one computer.d. all the computers you have in your home. Group 21. AOL is an example of an online service provider and is considered a(n) ________ organization that provides a proprietary network offering services to subscribers.a. educationalb. for-profitc. governmentald. non-profit2. In order from slowest to fastest, the correct order of the types of Internet access is as follows:a. FiOS, satellite, cable, DSL, dial-up.b. DSL, dial-up, FiOS, cable, satellite.c. dial-up, DSL, cable, satellite, FiOS.d. dial-up, cable, DSL, satellite, FiOS.3. The Internet is a(n) ________ whereas the Web is a(n) ________.a. collection of servers; network connectionsb. network of hardware; Internet information resourcec. information resource; physical connectiond. physical resources, URLs4. Which of the following is the common term for a link to a document that has disappeared?a. Visited linkb. Defunct linkc. Broken linkd. Obsolete link5. The first graphical Web browsers were developed in which of the following years?a. 1988b. 1970c. 2005d. 19936. As of April 2010, Mozilla Firefox had ________ percent of the browser market.a. 33b. 54c. 7d. 47. A complete URL has four parts: protocol, ________, path, and resource name.a. domain nameb. network idc. server named. IP address8. Which of the following names is the path that houses the Web page in the fictitious URL given below? classroomb. classroom/welcome.htmc. welcome.htmd. www.univ.edu9. A Web site’s domain name correlates to the:a. path name.b. Web server IP address.c. type of organization it belongs to.d. network identifier.10. Which of the following is the term for a gateway that provides a structured guide to Internet material such as news, weather, sports, or e-mail?a. Search engineb. Portalc. Network access pointd. Extranet11. ________ are gaining in popularity -web sites that provide quick access to information from many sources in one location.a. Aggregatorsb. Search enginesc. Browsersd. URLs12. Which of the following Internet services is threatened by spimming?a. Internet Relay Chat (IRC)b. Instant messaging (IM)c. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)d. E-mail13. Which of the following is NOT true about Web hosting services?a. It makes the site available to the public.b. It provides server space.c. It provides e-advertising to increase sales.d. It offers site management utilities.14. ________ acts as a secure intermediary, offering users the ability to make payments from their bank account or credit card without revealing personal financial information to the seller.a. CommercePalb. BuyerPalc. PayPald. PurchasePal15. Social networking is a way to:a. subscribe to “birds of a feather” newsletters.b. expand your list of electronic contacts.c. build expanding online communities.d. All of the above.16. ________ involves businesses that use the Internet to supply consumers with services, information, or products.a. B2Bb. C2Cc. B2Cd. C2B17. A VPN operates as a private network over which larger type of network?a. Internetb. Governmental networkc. LANd. WAN18. Contention sometimes results in:a. collisions.b. parity errors.c. multiplexing.d. terminators.19. Which of the following is NOT an issue addressed by modulation protocols?a. Data compression standardsb. Error checking standardsc. Routing pathsd. Data transfer rate20. Which of the following protocols do NOT use twisted-pair cabling?a. 10Base-Tb. 10Base-5c. IBM Token Ringd. 100Base-T21. Which of the following is a wireless specification?a. 803.11xb. 800.11ac. 802.11gd. 801.11d22. Which of the following features enable the strongest WiFi encryption protection?a. WDDIb. WAPc. WEPd. WPA23. The scope of a backbone can be all of the following EXCEPT:a. transcontinental.b. regional.c. continental.d. atmospheric.24. Which of the following switching methods is used by the Internet?a. Distributedb. Packetc. Circuitd. Token25. Which of the following is the maximum transfer speed for all digital line protocols such as switched multimegabit data service (SMDS)?a. 1 Gbpsb. 56 Kbpsc. 155 Mbpsd. 11 Mbps Group 31. The computer function in which processed data is displayed is known as:a. storage.b. output.c. processing.d. input.2. OS is an abbreviation for which of the following terms?a. Outsourced Systemb. Overlay Systemc. Operations Scheduled. Operating System3. A floppy disk drive is an example of:a. standard technology.b. newly developed technology.c. modified technology.d. legacy technology.4. The device that combines the capabilities of a handheld computer with mobile phone capabilities and Web access is known as a ________.a. minicomputerb. mobile computerc. multiphoned. smartphone5. A ________ is a client that relies on the server for its processing ability.a. limited clientb. minimal clientc. thin clientd. terminal client6. A ________ is a collection of Web pages designed to enable collaborative or community Web sites.a. communal webb. Google Docsc. wikid. Google Groups7. Which of the following is a type of product that complements the human body’s best posture and functionality? a. Ergocentricb. Naturalc. Esotericd. Ergonomic8. The disparity in computer ownership and Internet access is known as the ________.a. non-computerized syndromeb. disparity ratioc. digital divided. None of the above9. Which of the following requires computer access to individuals with disabilities?a. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001b. The Disabilities Act of 1985c. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990d. The Digital Access Act of 199510. When an entire job category is made obsolete by advances in technology, it is called:a. robotics.b. automation.c. structural unemployment.d. technological replacement.11. The use of computers and computer programs to replace teachers and the time-place limitations of learning is called:a. e-school.b. e-learning.c. e-education.d. e-class.12. Which of the following is the path through which messages are sent from one location to another?a. Multiplexersb. Bandwidth markersc. Communications channelsd. Digital endpoints13. Which of the following is NOT true about baud?a. It can be less than bps.b. It is the rate at which two modems can exchange data.c. It is the number of signaling elements per second.d. It can be equal to bps.14. Which of the following wireless communications medium transmits data via beams of light through the air?a. Ultravioletb. Infraredc. Sealed-beamd. Microwave15. Bluetooth is a(n) ________ radio transmission technology.a. long-rangeb. short-rangec. experimentald. fiber-optic16. Which of the following is NOT considered a last-mile technology geared at increasing transmission speeds for consumers?a. ISDNb. Coaxial cablec. DSLd. PSTN17. ISDN is an abbreviation for which of the following terms?a. Immediate synchronous digital networkb. Improved speed digital networkc. Integrated services digital networkd. Internet service digital network18. WAP-enabled devices require a ________, a special Web browser that has all the features of computer-based browsers but is simplified to meet handheld device limitations.a. demibrowserb. microbrowserc. minibrowserd. modified browser19. The cell phone application that uses GPS-enabled chips is called:a. location awareness.b. OnStar.c. WhereRU.d. positional reference systems.20. The ability to convey a message without disclosing your name or identity is known as:a. confidentiality.b. cyberblocking.c. privacy.d. anonymity.21. In the European Union, a basic human rights declaration grants citizens all of the following privacy rights EXCEPT the right to:a. be informed of the sale of personal information from one marketing company to another.b. know what information is being collected and how it will be used.c. request personal information be removed from a marketing database.d. choose whether or not to divulge requested information.22. Which of the following statements about the issue of privacy is TRUE?a. There is no comprehensive federal law governing the overall privacy rights of U.S. citizens.b. Little exists to stop people and companies from acquiring and selling an individual’s personal information.c. The privacy of individuals is protected by a patchwork of limited federal and state laws and regulations.d. All of the above.23. Which of the following is the best definition of a computer hacker?a. A hacker is creates bogus work-at-home opportunities, chain letters, get-rich-quick scams via email, chat rooms, and websites.b. A hacker is a person who is highly skilled in computer programming but has had no formal education.c. A hacker is a criminal who tries to discover computer capabilities not mentioned in software manuals, as well as modify them to obtain maximum performance.d. A hacker is a slang term for a professional programmer.24. Firewalls are used to:a. prevent employees from sending e-mail beyond the confines of the network.b. eavesdrop on employee e-mail.c. check for viruses on a company’s network.d. restrict outsiders from accessing internal data.25. Which of the following is the study of converting information into encoded or scrambled formats?a. Numerologyb. Epistemologyc. Cartographyd. Cryptography
Expert Answer :Which of the following is NOT a basic computer ope
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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