Solved by a verified expert :1. What is NAFTA? Why was it formed? What has it accomplished?2. Let’s say that you have the talent and determination to launch a business. What decisions do you need to make when starting out?3. Think about a job that you’ve held. Was your orientation satisfactory? How would you have improved the process? Did you receive any training? Was it useful? What additional training would have helped?4. Do you find a career in marketing interesting? Why or why not? Which of the following marketing career options are most appealing to you—advertising, brand and product management, marketing research, supply chain and logistics management, retailing or sales? Why?5. Compare and contrast three types of production processes: make-to-order, make-to-stock, and mass customization. Why are more companies today devoting at least a portion of their operations to mass customization? Identify three goods that can be adapted to mass customization and three that can’t.6. What tools does the Fed use to control the supply of money, influence interest rates, and keep prices stable?How does the Fed use the reserve requirement to lessen the likelihood of inflation?7. Are you, or someone you know, hesitant to buy things over the Internet? What risks concern you? What are companies doing to ease consumer’s concerns about the safety of Internet transactions?
Expert Answer :What decisions do you need
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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