Solved by a verified expert :Social InteractionsIdentify a habit such as smoking, your opinion about abortion or war, or your political viewany of which you either developed or changed after being influenced by society (parents, friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, and media). Based on the habit or opinion that you identified, explain:What are the factors that influenced you to change?How an individual or group has influenced you as an individual? You may want to incorporate a few of the theories or terminologies from your textbook such as the self-perception theory, self-concept, self-esteem, and self-concept.Submission Requirements:Submit your responses in a Microsoft Word document of the following specifications:Font: Arial; 12-PointLine Spacing: DoubleLength: 300500 wordsEvaluation Criteria:Did you explain the factors that influenced you to change?Did you explain how the impact of an individual or group influenced you as an individual?Did you incorporate a few of the theories or terminology from your textbook?Did you provide your answers in complete sentences with few grammatical errors?
Expert Answer :What are the factors that influenced you to change
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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