Solved by a verified expert :Using the Internet, locate an advertisement for either a food or beverage product. Explain, in a memo to your marketing team, the ad’s objective and critique its effectiveness in targeting a specific market. The purpose of this memo is to provide your marketing team with examples to help in its marketing development for the company’s new beverage. Attach a copy of the ad with your memo.In a 1,000–1,200-word memo to your marketing team, describe an ad’s objective and critique its effectiveness in targeting a specific market (use the Internet to locate an advertisement for either a food or beverage product). Answer the following questions in your presentation:What is the ad’s objective?How would you critique its effectiveness in targeting a specific market?What type of person, social class, culture, lifestyle, and values/beliefs does the ad intend to target?What consumer needs are the advertisers trying to fulfill?How would you describe the ad’s effectiveness in targeting the consumer?Do you believe that ad is persuasive? Is that the ad’s objective?What is the persuasive technique being used in the ad (i.e., humor, sex appeal, shock appeal)?Would you recommend this type of advertising for your company’s new product? Why or why not?Attach a copy of the ad with your memo.
Expert Answer :Using the Internet, locate an advertisement for ei
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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