Solved by a verified expert :Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two who have addressed different factors influencing academic achievement. Elaborate on the relevance of categorizing students within the education system using these factors. Challenge your classmates by asking a question that may cause them to reevaluate or add components to their initial response. Your responses to your classmates should be 150-words minimum.BY:ReshalThree factors that contribute to the variations in student academic ability are as followLearning Disabilities, Speech Impairment, and Emotionally Disturbed.Children with learning disabilities have trouble with comprehend and getting class work done in the classroom. Children with this disabilities “problem is that they can’t understand or use spoken or written language easily, which affects their ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations” (Hall, G. E, Quinn, L. F., & Gollnick, D.M. (2014). Children with learning disabilities may have an IEP that will support them, help them, and allow them to use a calculator for math class. Children with speech impairment are when a child is not able to communicate with others. Children with speech impairment “may be able to comprehend at the same levels as other students, but they are not able to put their thought into words due to difficulties with word retrieval and recall” (Hall, G. E, Quinn, L. F., & Gollnick, D.M. (2014). Children with speech impairment will have a therapist and able to have more time to get their school work done in the classroom and for responding to a question in the classroom. Children with emotionally disturbed have exhibit behaviors that interfere with their learning ability and their no explained for it. Children may “have trouble maintaining appropriate interpersonal relationships with their classmates and teaches” (Hall, G. E, Quinn, L. F., & Gollnick, D.M. (2014). Children with emotionally disturbed may have a therapist that come out to the school once or twice to see them and talk about school or home. Teaches may come up with some strategies to help the child with the behavior at hand. I think the one size fit all approach is not necessary because all children don’t learn the same they learn different from one another. It doesn’t matter if they have a disability or not children will learn at their own pace you can’t rush them. The teacher only need to do is encourage the children, support them as well and accommodate when needed.ReferencesHall, G.E., Quinn, L.F., & Gollnick, D.M. (2014). Introduction to Teaching: Making a Difference in Student Learning. Los Angeles: Sage Publishing.BY: SarahThree factors that can contribute to the variations in student academic ability are learning disabilities, speech impairments and the autism spectrum. According to Hall, Quinn, & Gollnick (2014), thirteen percent a school’s population has an identified disability of some sort (Section 3.2). For most of these students, and individual education plan, or IEP, is established in order to help the student stay on track. This also allows the rest of the class to be able to focus on their school work. Students with learning disabilities are able to learn the same material as the rest of their class, it just may take them a bit longer to fully comprehend the material. Their IEPs may give them the ability to take longer on a test, or take an oral exam rather than a written. In a typical setting, these students will not influence the educational environment within the classroom. These factors do influence the way students are categorized within the education system. Because they need special attention and accommodations there are things that can’t be exactly the same in every classroom. They need to be categorized differently so that things can be set up to help them achieve their educational goals. That is why the “one size fits all” approach to teaching. No one student learns the same, therefore you can’t teach every student the exact same way. ReferencesHall, G.E., Quinn, L.F., & Gollnick, D.M. (2014). Introduction to Teaching: Making a difference in student learning. Los Angeles: Sage Publishing.
Expert Answer :Three factors that contribute to the variations in
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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