Solved by a verified expert :The US Constitution is at present over 200 years old. It is a most interesting document, at the same time a model of brevity, and one of nebulousness as well. It has, in its time served as the starting point, and even the basis for many constitutions of other countries, more or less democratic, several of which may even have surpassed the original in various ways. While amending it is difficult at best, it has been amended some 27 times, to bring it more up to date, and fill in some things (like basic civil rights for all) that were left out of the initial document. The Constitution also contains a few things that in light of today’s understanding might be better left out (the Three-Fifths Compromise as applied to slaves, and the agreement to refrain from considering the issue of the slave trade until 1808…) It is, however, most unlikely that in any of our lifetimes, the Constitution would be rewritten or broadly updated, as such an enterprise would endanger far too many privileges conferred upon the wealthy by the document as it presently stands.Now, on to the question itself. If, by some miracle, you were tasked to revise, rewrite or significantly alter some portion of the Constitution, and especially the Bill of Rights, to bring it in line with the present, what section would you choose to devote your energy to, how would you change it, and why? How might your changes affect the country and/or society, and who would be the most likely winners and losers on the basis of your changes?
Expert Answer :The US Constitution is at present over 200 years o
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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