Solved by verified expert :CONTEMPORARY ISSUESIN THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTCOURSEWORK HANDOUTCoursework Handout: 2 CBE3116 Contemporary Issues in Business_Spring 2015 1UNIT DETAILSDEPARTMENT BAED PROGRAMME BA (Hons) in Business StudiesUNIT CODE CBE3116 UNIT TITLE Contemporary issues in the Business EnvironmentCREDITS 10 credits SESSION Spring 2015COURSEWORK DETAILSC/W NUMBER 2 CONTRIBUTION 30% of the unit final markC/W TITLE PROJECT: Personal Business Idea Development. Report and PresentationC/W TYPE IndividualHAND-OUT DATE W01 SUBMISSION DATE W07 FEEDBACK DATE W09LEARNING OUTCOMESUpon completion of the assignment, students will be able to:LO1: Understand and critically evaluate a range of contemporary issues and their impact on modern business.LO2: Understand and critically analyse the impact of economic downturns in the fields of management.LO3: Become familiar with the theoretical and practical framework of career developmentLO6: Develop effective career planning strategies.LO7: Improve communication and presentation skills.ASSESSMENT CRITERIAStudents will be assessed on:A. Report Development accounting for 70% of the entire Assignment; students will be assessed for their:1. in-depth understanding of regional development issues2. competence in evaluating localities of entrepreneurial value3. innovative character of their business idea4. critical thinking5. creativity and originality of work6. general presentation of the report (e.g. use of language, format, CW requirements application etc.)7. quality of literature references appliedB. Presentation accounting for 30% of the entire Assignment; students will assessed for their:1. quality of slides content2. good use of technology (power point/prezi/videos, etc.,)3. quality of presentation and professional level of presentation4. time management & general delivery issues (language, fonts, etc)5. appeal to and rapport with the audience (personal stance & expressing themselves etc.,)DETAILED DESCRIPTIONA. Report Development (70% of the entire Assignment)Each student will have to develop their entrepreneurial idea in close connection with their place of origin,promoting traditional traits and local business potential as well as focusing on those issues of attraction to futurecustomers/investors.The report must be developed according to the following:a) Length between 1800-1900 words,b) Executive SummaryCONTEMPORARY ISSUESIN THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTCOURSEWORK HANDOUTCoursework Handout: 2 CBE3116 Contemporary Issues in Business_Spring 2015 2c) Introductiond) Rational for the Project to be implementede) Goals & objectivesf) Project activitiesg) Project Implementation Timeframeh) Project Implementation provisional budgeti) Conclusions & Expected Outcomej) Literature references following the HR System (15-20 recent ones as below); Wikipedia references are notaccepted;- Do not lose marks due to poor referencing; visit the MOLE site (IF 301) where you will find a short video tutorialabout how to correctly use the Harvard referencing system: Appendices (if applicable) wiil not be marked; however, failure to submit these, will result in a final mark 0, in casethey serve as evidence in support of the idea development.B. Presentation (30% of the entire Assignment); final mark of the assignment will not be allocated to individualstudents who would not participate in the presentation activity.Each student will have to briefly present their entrepreneurial idea in public (among their peer) according to thefollowing guidelines with the view to a well structured presentation:a) Title Slide (not counted in)b) Maximum number of slides: 4-5 slidesc) Introductiond) Main entrepreneurial ideae) Rationale/Goals & Objectives/Timeframe/Budget/Expected outcomeUse of Visual aids (e.g. photos, film, clips, graphs, diagrams) will be consequently appreciated.Students must bear in mind that presentations would take no more than 10-minute delivery; there should be nointerruptions by the audience during the presentations, while a 3min. Q/A session will follow per individualpresentation.Both individual Reports as well as Presentations will be submitted through TURNITIN.Late submissions are subject to a 5% penalty for each day of delay. Any complete assignments (A+B) submitted after7 days from the submission date will get a mark of 0.IMPORTANT NOTICE: the particular Assignment does not comply with primary research or data collection.Ethics form is not applicable for the case.SUBMISSION AND TURN IT IN REQUIREMENTYour submission must comply with anonymity; in order to do so, please remember that your assignments must besubmitted anonymously, filling in the required areas with your student ID data.Apart from the hard copy submission, this piece of coursework is required to be submitted to turnitin plagiarismdetection software at: www.turnitin.comat a date no later than the submission date. This is an absolute requirement for releasing a mark. Brief instructionson how you can set up your profile and submit your work can be found at: (text) (video)CONTEMPORARY ISSUESIN THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTCOURSEWORK HANDOUTCoursework Handout: 2 CBE3116 Contemporary Issues in Business_Spring 2015 3You are going to require:CLASS ID: CIB2015 ENROLLMENT PASSWORD:If you have any problems in submitting your work, please contact the course administrator or the lecturer.NOTEAll sentences or passages quoted in this coursework from other people’s work should be specifically acknowledged byclear cross-referencing to author, work and page(s). Failure to do this amounts to plagiarism and will be consideredgrounds for failure in this coursework. It is on the instructor’s discretion to conduct an oral examination, which willresult to the award of the final grade to that particular piece of coursework. As part of this unit, ALL groups /students will be required to individually download their complete assignment into the TURNITIN database system( which assists in detecting plagiarism. Further details on this procedure will be provided before theassignment is due.
Expert Answer :The University of Sheffield CBE 3116 Assignment Sp
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