Solved by a verified expert :Problem 1The Manchester United Soccer Tournament project team (review the ManchesterUnited case at the end of Chapter 4) has identified the following potential risksto their project:a. Referees failing to show up at designated games.b. Fighting between teams.c. Pivotal error committed by a referee that determines the outcome of a game.d. Abusive behavior along the sidelines by parents.e. Inadequate parking.f. Not enough teams sign up for different age brackets.g. Serious injury.How would you recommend that they respond (i.e., avoid, accept, . . .) to theserisks and why?EventResponseContingencyaMitigate- by reminding referees a night prior gamesReferees on call can fill upbMitigate- train referees on how to handle fights and induce penalties for fightingReferees, coaches, game officials are allowed to interferecMitigate- recruit seasoned referees and assign reputable referees to important gamesHave a tournament council to accept appealsdTransfer- assign coaches to keep parents in controlReferees are allowed to dismiss parents from matcheseMitigate- level game schedule and build bigger parking lots or rampsProvide shuttle servicefMitigate- better campaigning and marketingCombine age groupsgAcceptContact ER in advance, provide medical assistance (Red Cresent, St John) on field.Problem 3 (10 pt)Objective:Consider the impact of improper risk planning.Deliverable: There have been several projects in the news recently that showed indications ofpoor risk planning. Identify one such project, and describe why you believe the project sufferedfrom poor risk planning, and how you think risk planning should have been improved. Yourresponse should be at least 0.75 pages (double-spaced), and should cite a reference describingyour chosen project
Expert Answer :The Manchester United Soccer Tournament project
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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