Solved by verified expert :The aim of this assignment
is as follows:
This questions must be
answered in the essay in details
*******In the
essay explain what justified mr ebbers to take out the loans from his company? How
this example was considered as a conflict of interest was the compensation
scheme in the best interest of share holders interests ?explain the justification of board of
directors to approve these loans to mr ebbers and other members. What are the consequences of these
compensation schemes on the board of directors CEO’s and shareholders? What alternative and solution you would
suggest to solve this ethical dilemma?
•& Understand
the basic ethics behind agency problem in business.
what you have learnt so far on the course to this project
You should submit a 1000 words case study report on Principle
agent problem in business companies.
You must follow Qatar University’s formatting guidelines and
include references. The report will be graded on the detailed criteria outlined
on page three of this document. The recommended layout of your report is given
in the following bullet points.
page (your names, date & number of words)
summary (A high level summary of the project)
of contents
(background of chosen banks, firm or institution)
the chosen company is doing regarding your chosen topic.
and evaluation.
(summarize all the above)
•&;Your project
should be no more than 1000 words (executive summary and any references and
appendices do not count towards the word limit).