Solved by a verified expert :Post must be minimum of 350 words A.? ?The External Environment:Describe the term, "external environment". Identify the forces.Select any one force of the external general environment and discuss a positive and a negativeway in which this selected forces might impact the organization.Select any one force of the external task environment and discuss a positive and a negativeway in which this selected forces might impact the organization. B. Organizational CultureIdentify the cultural determinants of your company or a company of interest.Refer to page 61 of the text Experiential Exercise "Assessing Organizational Culture" and readthe Introduction section as a guide.Identify four or five most vivid and specific characteristics of the culture of the company.How important are these cultural elements and what specific purpose do they create?How does the organization maintain and enhance these key cultural aspects?Are there elements of the organizational culture you would want to eliminate or change?Describe why you would change the elements and how you could accomplish this or justify whyelements of the culture should not be changes. Post must be a minimum of 350 words.
Expert Answer :The External Environment – Organizational Culture
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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