Solved by a verified expert :Instructions for the Employment Application Letter A letter of application is to accompany a resume which you have already done. Now, you are to find a job vacancy notice (online or classified ads) and apply for a position. Attach the job vacancy to your letter of application. You are to assume that you have graduated with your MBA degree. I need the ad to grade this assignment so I can see how well you responded to the job requirements in your letter. Write to a fictitious person with complete address if not listed in the job vacancy. Include a return address; set it up as a complete letter. This is a sales letter, so use the AIDA approach. This letter will contain a minimum of four paragraphs. See pages 42 in the Business Writer’s Handbook, or a different Writer’s Handbook, or Google letters of applications for examples. DO NOT COPY SAMPLE LETTERS.Paragraph One is about the job title and where you found the ad. Paragraph Two is on what you know about the company and what you can bring to it—why you are a good fit for the company, paragraph Three is where you sell yourself–your credentials and experiences, and paragraph Four is to ask for an interview and tell how to contact you. Be sure to state you are enclosing your Resume (but do not attach it.) This is the basic information required for this Assignment.Proofread carefully as this is a Graded Assignment. Use full-block letter style with mixed letter style punctuation (colon after the salutation and a comma after the complimentary close).
Expert Answer :the Employment Application Letter
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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