Solved by a verified expert :11.) a. Suchin’s profit-maximizing quantity of T-shirts is__________ shirts per week.a.) 202b.) 120c.) 167d.) 100b. Suchin should charge____________ per T-shirt to maximize profits.a.)35.50b.) 20.00c.)40.50d.) 60.00c. Suchin will make an economic profit of____________ per week.A.)4,550B.) -4,000C.) 0D.) 4,000d. The allocatively efficient number of T-shirts for Suchin to produce is__________T-shirts.a.)100b.) 120c.) 202d.) 167e. If the population of college students increases, and Suchin’s costs do not change, Suchin would expect the demand for her shirts to_______ and her profits to_________ a.) increaseb.) remain the samec.) decreasea.) increaseb.) remain the samec.) decreasef. If the market for T-shirts is monopolistically competitive, an increase in the student population will lead to:a.)T-shirt companies leaving the market.b.)T-shirt companies entering the market.c.)productive efficiency increasing.d.)product choice decreasing.