Solved by a verified expert :Question 1.1.Define the concept of KSAs in your own words. List 4 specific KSAs that you might expect to train for in ONE of the following jobs (Choose ONLY ONE):Dental AssistantFinancial PlannerForklift Operator (Points : 15) Question 2.2.List and explain 2 external forces that may affect the alignment of organizational strategy and training strategy. Specifically, how do external factors affect whether training is effective? (Points : 10) Question 3.3.Consider either a Cognitive-Behavioral approach to learning OR a Social Learning approach. Briefly explain the main idea of the theory you chose, and then provide an example of how a trainer might utilize that approach. (Points : 15) Question 4.4.Consider Herzberg’s “Two Factor” Theory OR Alderfer’s ERG Theory of Motivation; briefly explain ONE of these theories in your own words. Then describe how the theory you chose relates to training and development. (10 points) (Points : 10)
Expert Answer :saint HRM539 week 2 exam
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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