Solved by a verified expert :In some of the modules throughout this course, you will be assigned a case study. These case studies represent real-world problems you could possibly face. These cases are designed to build on the material we have covered during the module. Read each case study carefully before beginning your work. Your response must be well thought-out and complete in content when submitted. For this module, you are to:1. Read Case 2, “Holtz Children’s Hospital: Reducing Central Line Infections.”2. Respond to Assignment Questions 1, 2, and one additional question from those found at the end of the case.Note:This case focuses on the complexities of making change happen in a hospital setting with many professions, locations, variables, and actors.Save your assignment with your name in the file name. For example,JohnSmith_mod2.docx. Your assignment will be assessed using theCase Study 2 rubric. Submit your assignment via the course Dropboxno later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.