Solved by a verified expert :dentify where you currently are.a. Where are you in your career? Are you just starting out? Are you experienced in the IT field butlooking for a change or advancement?b. What motivates you?c. Identify an event in your past that has influenced your career choices.2. Decide where you want to be.a. What is your ultimate career destination?b. Where do you see yourself in 2 years? Four years? Ten years?c. Describe where you might be if money, time, and other obstacles disappeared.d. What is your dream job?Are you unsure which IT career you want to pursue? Take this IT Career Aptitude Test to help younarrow your choices.3. Determine what you need to get to your destination.This step may take some independent research depending on the career you have chosen.Conduct research about your desired career position to locate the following information:a. What level of education is generally needed for this position?b. How much experience is typically required?c. What is the career progression within the company? Will you need to work your way up?d. Is the pay scale feasible to support your lifestyle?4. Write it down.Power exists in the written word. Developing a written map to navigate your career path usingstep-by-step goals creates a checklist that keeps you on task and reminds you of your goals.a. Identifying your step-by-step goals to reach your career destination. Do your goals seem toolarge? Break them down in smaller, easier-to-manage steps. The objective is to take one step at atime. Success often comes from accomplishing small steps consistently and doing them well.b. Monitor your progress by checking off the steps as you accomplish them. Each check is anachievement towards your career goal.c. Be sure to include your steps within paragraph format.