Solved by a verified expert :In this course, you have learned about many types of statistical procedures in quantitative research. For this Application, you will discuss an advanced statistical test that was not covered in the course that you would like to explore.To prepare for this Application:Review the text and websites in this week’s Learning Resources to learn about advanced statistical procedures that were not discussed in this course or in its prerequisites, RSCH 8101 and RSCH 8201.The assignment:Report in APA format a description of a more advanced test that you would like to know more about. Describe the test’s assumptions, when the test is appropriate to use, and the number of independent and dependent variables involved. The final document should be 2-3 pages long.
Expert Answer :Review the text and websites in this week’s Learni
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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