Solved by a verified expert :Information System StrategiesAfter you have watched the BBCvideo on Amazon’s business strategies, consider which of the four strategies the online titan has implemented:Low cost leader – entire industryProduct differentiation – entire industryLow cost leader – specific industry segmentProduct differentiation – specific industry segmentShare your strategy you think best suits Amazon’s business model and how they have implemented it?How their strategies impact the perception of the buying public positively and negatively. and the Customer ExperienceOut sourcing “off shore” has become the “new normal” in many businesses. Call centers, technical support help desks, online retail businesses, etc. are hiring outside agencies to work for them.· Share your most recent experience with an outsourced service provider.· Was it a negative or positive experience?· What did you learn about the business that outsourced from the encounter?· Consider what could the business specifically do to improve the customer experience with and without outsourcing?· Discuss how outsourcing can be an important part of an information management strategy for business.
Expert Answer :Outsourcing and the Customer Experience
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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