Solved by a verified expert :Question 1 (1 point)

Most preemployment assessment tests measure sexual
orientation, health-related issues, and age.

Question 1 options:

1) True

2) False
Question 2 (1 point)

A _____ is a team that is formed around a joint venture or
strategic alliance.
Question 2 options:

1) display

2) project

3) work team

4) partnership

5) parallel

Question 3 (1 point)

Developing global leaders is a talent-management practice
that is important for an organization because:
Question 3 options:

1) it brings
about a sense of cultural and organizational superiority in the employees.

2) it
assures that every employee has been held to the same level of skills and

3) it brings
about open-mindedness across cultures.

4) it gives
the employees exposure to international experience through job rotation.

Question 4 (1 point)

By assigning metrics to the HRM activities, managers can
ensure they are working toward the strategic objectives of the organization.

Question 4 options:

1) True

2) False
Question 5 (1 point)

_____ refers to a set of management practices that attempts
to create an environment within an organization in which the employee has
greater involvement and responsibility.
Question 5 options:

1) Employee

2) High-performance
work system

3) Organizational

4) Internal

5) Work

Question 6 (1 point)

Strategic human resources management (SHRM) refers to an
organizational approach to human resources management with a concern for:
Question 6 options:

1) the
increasing role of information technology in the effective functioning of the
HR department.

2) expanding
the role of industrial law as a part of the HRM practices.

3) the
effects of HRM practices on firm performance.

4) making
employees less critical in the manufacturing process.

5) reinforcing
the support function of the HR department.

Question 7 (1 point)

Perceptual ability forms one of the key characteristics that
decide the ability of a manager to succeed as an expatriate. Perceptual ability
refers to the ability to:
Question 7 options:

1) strengthen
his or her self-esteem, self-confidence, and mental well-being.

2) interact
effectively with host-country nationals.

3) understand
why people of other countries behave the way they do.

4) adjust to
a particular posting given the culture of the assignment’s country.

5) communicate
from a position of dominance for greater efficiency in work.

Question 8 (1 point)

Which of the following factors should be true for a
multinational to choose an expatriate?
Question 8 options:

1) The need
to interact with local customers, suppliers, employees, or officials is

2) The
corporate strategy is focused on multidomestic or market-oriented operations.

3) The
customers prefer local employees over foreign personnel.

4) The
corporate strategy is focused on global integration.

Question 9 (1 point)

Diversity in a group in terms of expertise, gender, age, and
background, leads to the problem of groupthink.

Question 9 options:

1) True

2) False
Question 10 (1 point)

_____ refers to a team that exists alongside an individual’s
daily team.
Question 10 options:

1) Display

2) Project

3) Work team

4) Parallel

Question 11 (1 point)

Firms that effectively manage their international HR
typically outperform competitors in terms of identifying new international
business opportunities and adapting to changing conditions worldwide.

Question 11 options:

1) True

2) False
Question 12 (1 point)

Consistent talent evaluation is a talent-management practice
that is important for an organization because:
Question 12 options:

1) it brings
about a sense of purpose amongst the employees.

2) it helps
employees build successful peer networks across countries.

3) it
assures that employees across the world are evaluated on the same standards.

4) it brings
about open-mindedness across cultures.

5) it gives
the employees exposure to international experience through job rotation.

Question 13 (1 point)

Self-orientation forms one of the key characteristics that
decides the ability of a manager to succeed as an expatriate. Self-orientation
refers to the ability to:
Question 13 options:

1) strengthen
his or her self-esteem, self-confidence, and mental well-being.

2) interact
effectively with host-country nationals.

3) understand
why people of other countries behave the way they do.

4) adjust to
a particular posting given the culture of the assignment’s country.

5) communicate
from a position of dominance for greater efficiency in work.

Question 14 (1 point)

_____ refers to the analysis of a job’s internal value that
is intended to identify how critical a given job is to the organization’s
Question 14 options:

1) Job

2) Job

3) Job depth

4) Job

5) Job design

Question 15 (1 point)

Typical ratios associated with strategic metrics include the
training cost factor and training cost percentage.

Question 15 options:

1) True

2) False
Question 16 (1 point)

_____ refers to that aspect of an organization that helps
job candidates to determine whether the organization offers the kind of
environment that excites them.
Question 16 options:

1) High-performance
work system

2) Organizational

3) Signature

4) Internal

5) Work

Question 17 (1 point)

Which of the following statements holds true for a
third-country national?
Question 17 options:

1) It refers
to an individual who is neither a citizen of the contracting government nor the
citizen of the country of operations.

2) It refers
to an individual who works for a political organization which consists of a
number of countries.

3) It refers
to an individual who is not a citizen of the contracting government but the
citizen of the country of operations.

4) It refers
to an individual who is a citizen of the contracting government as well as the
citizen of the country of operations.

5) It refers
to an individual who is a not citizen of the country of operations but the
citizen of the contracting government.

Question 18 (1 point)

Paying a wage is a standard practice, and therefore the
competitive advantage can come only by paying a higher amount.

Question 18 options:

1) True

2) False
Question 19 (1 point)

The Workforce Scorecard is vital because most organizations
have much better control and accountability over their raw materials than they
do over their workforce.

Question 19 options:

1) True

2) False
Question 20 (1 point)

Which of the following statements holds true for
Question 20 options:

1) It is the
right to buy a piece of the business given to an employee to reward excellent

2) It is a
form of pay in which an organization shares the profit with employees, such
that employees receive a portion of the profit achieved from their efforts.

3) It
requires employees to build project teams across countries.

4) These
plans are most effective in companies with more than 1,000 people.

5) It refers
to the cash wage paid at the end of every month in lieu of the service rendered
to the company.

Question 21 (1 point)

_____ refers to a job interview where the candidate is asked
to describe in specific and behavioral detail how he or she would respond to a
hypothetical situation.
Question 21 options:

1) Screening

2) Informational

3) Committee

4) Situational

5) Stress

Question 22 (1 point)

Companies that measure intangibles such as employee
performance, innovation, and change perform better than companies that don’t
use such metrics.

Question 22 options:

1) True

2) False
Question 23 (1 point)

Which of the following was the precursor to open innovation
first identified by Eric von Hippel?
Question 23 options:

1) Process

2) User-led

3) Lead-lag

4) End-user

5) Joint

Question 24 (1 point)

Social media technology plays a key role in innovation in an
organization as it enables innovative ideas to be shared and discussed by
employees at all levels.

Question 24 options:

1) True

2) False
Question 25 (1 point)

It is not mandatory for a company to reveal the details of
the invention in order to get a patent.

Question 25 options:

1) True

2) False
Question 26 (1 point)

Some companies obtain patents mainly to license or sell them
to others, thus making money from their inventions without having to
manufacture or service anything themselves.

Question 26 options:

1) True

2) False
Question 27 (1 point)

_____ refers to an initiative of the World Resources
Institute’s Markets and Enterprise Program to provide a source for news,
analysis, research, and discussion on development through enterprise and BOP
Question 27 options:

1) Advancing
the Base of the Pyramid

2) Business
with Four Billion


4) World

5) Research
for Humanity

Question 28 (1 point)

Starbucks has introduced the concept of “Starbucks
Idea” wherein customers can make suggestions with regard to the products
and services offered by the company. It has online Starbucks Idea Partners who
listen to the ideas, ask questions, and tell what the company does. This is an
example of:
Question 28 options:

1) collaboration.

2) a patent.

3) process

4) open

5) a social

Question 29 (1 point)

_____ refers to a social structure made of nodes (which are
generally individuals or organizations) that are connected by ties.
Question 29 options:

1) Social

2) Social

3) Social

4) Social

5) Social

Question 30 (1 point)

The partnership between IBM researchers and outside experts
from government, universities, and even other companies is termed as _____.
Question 30 options:

1) competitive

2) collaboratory

3) public

4) collectivistic

5) private

Question 31 (1 point)

A significant amount of innovation yields no new products or
services because:
Question 31 options:

1) companies
consider research and development a waste of resources.

2) the chief
purpose of innovation is to further scientific knowledge rather than create
products or services.

3) of
R&D failure.

4) the
innovations are not related to a company’s core processes.

5) of the
dearth of new ideas.

Question 32 (1 point)

_____ refers to the exclusive rights granted to owners,
under law, for their intangible assets.
Question 32 options:

1) Claim-rights

2) Terms of

3) Intellectual
property rights

4) Process

5) Privileges

Question 33 (1 point)

Young Chinese migrants to America are affected by tangible
forms of social relations between the community, immigrant families, and the
younger generations. Chinatown facilitates the accommodation of immigrant
children in the expected directions. The knowledge and information that the
children gain through the social structure in Chinatown can be termed as:
Question 33 options:

1) social

2) social

3) social

4) social

5) social

Question 34 (1 point)

Which of the following statements holds true for licensing?
Question 34 options:

1) It refers
to the exclusive right granted for an invention, which must be industrially
applicable (useful), be new (novel), and exhibit a sufficient “inventive
step” (be nonobvious).

2) It refers
to a situation where the owner of an asset grants the right to use the asset to
another, while continuing to retain ownership of the asset.

3) It refers
to a distinctive sign, which identifies certain goods or services as those
produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise.

4) It refers
to the body of laws that grants authors, artists, and other creators protection
for their literary and artistic creations, which are generally referred to as

5) It refers
to any confidential business information which provides an enterprise with a
competitive edge.

Question 35 (1 point)

The system of law related to R&D and innovation is
referred to as intellectual property rights.

Question 35 options:

1) True

2) False
Question 36 (1 point)

Which of the following statements is true for innovation?
Question 36 options:

1) It refers
to converting a new idea into revenues and profits.

2) It refers
to the use of technology to understand the latent needs and preferences of the
customers in the market.

3) It refers
to pursuing scientific investigations without commercial goals, focusing on
unravelling the secrets of nature and finding new knowledge.

4) It refers
to the process of promoting the use of scientific knowledge in forecasting the
demands of different products in the market.

5) It refers
to bringing an idea into tangible reality by embodying it as a product or

Question 37 (1 point)

The logistics industry used to track the movement of goods
manually. They have been able to improve its processes significantly by the
introduction of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology which is a
cheap way to track goods. This is an example of:
Question 37 options:

1) collaboration.

2) patent.

3) process

4) open

5) user-led

Question 38 (1 point)

Which of the following statements holds true for a
Question 38 options:

1) It refers
to the exclusive right granted for an invention, which must be industrially
applicable (useful) and new (novel), and exhibit a sufficient “inventive
step” (be nonobvious).

2) It refers
to a situation where the owner of an asset grants the right to use the asset to
another, while continuing to retain ownership of the asset.

3) It refers
to a distinctive sign, which identifies certain goods or services as those
produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise.

4) It refers
to the body of laws that grants authors, artists, and other creators protection
for their literary and artistic creations, which are generally referred to as

5) It refers
to any confidential business information which provides an enterprise with a
competitive edge.

Question 39 (1 point)

Which of the following statements holds true for a trade
Question 39 options:

1) It refers
to the exclusive right granted for an invention, which must be industrially
applicable (useful) and new (novel), and exhibit a sufficient “inventive
step” (be nonobvious).

2) It refers
to a situation where the owner of an asset grants the right to use the asset to
another, while continuing to retain ownership of the asset.

3) It refers
to a distinctive sign, which identifies certain goods or services as those
produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise.

4) It refers
to any confidential business information which provides an enterprise with a
competitive edge.

Question 40 (1 point)

Which of the following statements is true for basic
Question 40 options:

1) It refers
to accumulating knowledge necessary to determine the means by which a
recognized and specific need may be met.

2) It refers
to the use of technology to understand the latent needs and preferences of the
customers in the market.

3) It refers
to the pursuit of scientific investigations without commercial goals, focusing
on unravelling the secrets of nature and finding new knowledge.

4) It refers
to the process of promoting the use of scientific knowledge in forecasting the
demands of different products in the market.

5) It refers
to establishing an infallible supply chain network by incorporating the best
practices in channel distribution.

Question 41 (1 point)

_____ refers to resources such as ideas, information, money,
and trust that can be assessed through a social structure.
Question 41 options:

1) Social

2) Social

3) Social

4) Social

5) Social

Question 42 (1 point)

The technique of small-portion packaging, that originated
from powdered soaps and shampoos sold in packets in India for two to four cents
each, is called “_____.”
Question 42 options:

1) miniature

2) catalog

3) sachet

4) emerging

5) internal

Question 43 (1 point)

While social network and social capital can be associated
with many things, they are not important sources of innovation.

Question 43 options:

1) True

2) False
Question 44 (1 point)

Patents automatically guarantee a favourable decision every
time the owner is forced to defend the invention in court.

Question 44 options:

1) True

2) False