Solved by a verified expert :It is very important NOT to simply cut and paste your responsesfrom a cite, because this requires no forethought on your partand your grade will be adversely affected. What I will be looking foris your ability to engage in critical and analytical thinking. Resultantly, themore that you can compliment your thoughts with some cites, the betteryour grade will be.Under no circumstances expect to get a good grade if you are justgoing to be reliant upon cutting and pasting your responses. Q.TCO A) What is customer value, and why is it important to marketers? What is requiredto provide superior customer value? (Points : 45) Q. (TCO B) What is green marketing? What values underlie green marketing? (Points : 45) Q. (TCO H) Consumers commonly use five decision rules, what are they and whatpurpose do they serve? (Points : 45)