Solved by a verified expert :MIS582 Database Concepts – COURSE PROJECT Week 6

Week 6: Task 3: Database Construction Using MySQL

NOTE: MySQL is required for this project. Please ensure you
can run MySQL via Omnymbus/eupe.


Scenario and Summary

In this assignment, you will create and populate a MySQL
database based on the ERD you created in task2. Update the ERD you submitted
for task2 with the corrections suggested by your instructor. To help you with
this task, the data dictionary of the database is available in Doc Sharing as
an Excel Spreadsheet. This will provide you information on every table that you
must create for the ABC Company database. Every entity can be found listed in
the data dictionary along with the PK/FK information as well as the data types
for the attributes. These data types are
MySQL data types so they can go directly in the create table statements. Using
the corrected ERD and the data dictionary provided, write the necessary MySQL
statements to create the ABC company database.


1. Script
file as Lastname_task3.sql which includes all of the drop, create, alter,
insert and Select statements needed to create and display the ABC Company

2. Text
showing the copied and pasted run result
of the script file saved as Lastname_task3Result.txt.

3. When
you are done, upload the two files (not zipped) to the Week 6: Course Project
Week 6 Task 3 Dropbox.

Example text files have been provided as incomplete seed sql
and incomplete result files. If you are
going to deviate from the supplied pattern please let me know in advance.