Solved by a verified expert :Low voter turnout and widespread cynicism, an apathetic and politicallyunknowledgeable public opinion, our rush to go to war with Iraq, our lack ofcompassion for socialist solutions to help the poor, negative electoral campaigns,porkbarrel politics, divided government and the further ideological divide betweenRepublicans and Democrats add up to contentious, deadlocked U.S.policymaking. Many have argued that American politics is in crisis as we struggleover the debt ceiling issue as we speak.1. Do you agree that these problems constitute a crisis in America’s politicalsystem or merely partisan politics? If so, what are the major features of thiscrisis? If not, what are the problems of American democracy, and why don’t theyadd up to a crisis?2. Discuss how this question applies to politics in California. Be as specific as youcan.3. What solutions does the U.S. system of government offer? Does our systemneed radical reform? In your answer, be sure to address the nature of theAmerican electorate (i.e. apathy and role of public opinion), the role of the powerelite, the increasing power of the federal government, and the nature of electioncampaigns as well as the role of the media.