Solved by a verified expert :Product Distribution

This SLP continues your analysis of the organization you
nominated in SLP1.

You may find it convenient to review the thumbnail
descriptions of the various logistical functions, found in SLP1.

For this SLP, please address the organization’s product
distribution strategy, to include:

· Transportation modes

· Ownership and management of the modes (the organization,
common carriers, contract carriers etc.)

· The rationale behind the use of those modes

· The strengths and weaknesses of those modes

· Future developments, such as anticipated technological
advances and resource availability, that may affect the choice of
transportation modes

Submit the assignment for grading by the end of this Module.

SLP Assignment Expectations

· Follow the instructions in the BSBA Writing Style Guide
(July 2014 edition), available online
at The paper
should include a cover sheet and a reference page.

· There are no guidelines concerning length. Write what you
need to write – neither more, nor less.

· The relevant features of the organization should be
described in sufficient detail to support the argument. Provide citations to
relevant sources, such as the organization’s homepage, press releases, annual
reports, and articles about the organization published elsewhere.

· The argument should make explicit use of the Module
materials. Background Info sources should be cited. The use of other relevant
material located online is encourages.

· A standard citation and reference style should be used.
APA style (see the Style Guild) is encouraged. Other acceptable styles are MLA,
Chicago and NYT.