Solved by a verified expert :With regard to Joe and Acme, Joe has to consider whether to stay in such a company and deal with many ethical problems or leave the company and pursue a new career. What are viable alternatives for Joe? Whether or not to leave an ethically questionable company is a decision that many employees have to make. It can be difficult to find an organizational culture that matches one’s personal values.With regard to Amce’s organizational culture, Joe must make a personal decision as to whether he can stay out of trouble and feel good about himself if he continues to work at Acme. If he stays, it is possible he could be a positive force to encourage others to comply with the law and develop more ethical treatment of customers. However, if Joe stays, he will face much ethical conflict. There is a possibility that his career advancement may suffer if he becomes overly focused on unethical behavior within the company.With regard to Sophie, let me give some guidance with regard to the ethical dilemma/ethical issue distinction. You click here for the page in our LEO classroom that discusses this.There is only one ethical dilemma for Sophie, not three. An ethical dilemma is a situation in which there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion. In such cases, societal and personal ethical guidelines can provide no satisfactory outcome for the chooser.Sophie has two options in this ethical dilemma: She must decide if she should follow policy or follow Emma’s instruction and pad her expense accounts. If Sophie pads her accounts then she will have to continue padding her accounts for the rest of her employment. Is she willing to do this? If Sophie does not pad her accounts then all tips will come out of Sophie’s pocket. In addition, her sales manager may ask why her expense account is lower than all the other sales rep’s. Sophie’s co-workers may view her as a troublemaker if she speaks up. Based on this, what specific ethical issues result from this dilemma for Sophie?Second, would you report their actual expenses or would you pad their expense accounts? Be honest. Explain your answer.