Solved by a verified expert :Assignment 5: “Critical Thinking Paper: Revised”Write a four to six (4–6) page (1000–1200 word) paper that presents a reasoned, convincing argument for a position on a selected topic. Your paper should cover the following:1.Follow the five steps of persuasion: establishing credibility, acknowledging the audience’s position, constructing a rationale, transplanting root elements, and asking for a response.2.Clearly define your position and supporting evidence, including the results of your survey.3.Include all the necessary “evidence” for the reader to reach the expected conclusion in each argument in the paper (whether the overriding argument or one contained in an individual paragraph)4.Ensure that each argument in the paper (whether the overriding argument or one contained in an individual paragraph) is valid and free from both formal and informal fallacies.5.Include at least four (4) references (sources). At least one (1) of your sources must be obtained from the collection of databases accessible from the Learning Resources Center Web page.The paper should follow guidelines for clear and effectively organized writing:•The paper is well-organized, and every explanation is both complete and easy to understand.•Include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph for the paper.•Main ideas should be addressed in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences.•Adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.•The paper should be checked for spelling and grammatical errors.The format of the paper is to be as follows:•Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.•In addition to the four to six (4–6) pages assigned, a title page with the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date is to be included, as well as a Reference Page.•Sources documented using APA style for in-text citations and listed on the References Page using APA style format.
Expert Answer :is valid and free from both formal and informal fa
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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