Solved by a verified expert :Discuss what you learned such as rules of MLA formatting, importance of in-text citations, importance of proper grammar, importance of a thesis statement, importance of work cited, importance of alphabetical sources, what it means when words are in brackets [ ] and also what it means when words are in parenthesis ( ) finally discuss the importance of gauging your audience, as well as the importance of visuals in a paper. Discuss how EBSCO host made finding information easier, discuss how Grammarly the website helped to correct improper grammar, and discuss the importance of Google. For extra credit add visuals with no white space around them..You will be writing a comprehensive paper, using MLA requirements (formatting, citations, double spacing, size 12 font, header, etc), about this course. Be sure to include the following elements: Proper grammar/punctuation Organization of paragraphs Paper flows wellProvide specific websites used to assist you in your successful writing growth. How and why have those websites helped youWhich activity offered you the most help? Which activity was the least helpful?MLA paper formatting (header on left, title, page number, entire paper double spaced, entire paper in same font and size, NOTHING bold)Works cited page: has title centered and in same font as the rest of the paper, all citations are present and correct, hanging indent, all citations are used within the paper (this will probably include the websites you referenced)IF an image is used, it is incorporated properly, with caption and citation, and NO white space. Be sure to use page 19 in the Writing Now book for examples and explanations on how to do this.2-3 pages approximately 500-750 words
Expert Answer :Iowa ENGLISH 101 – Discuss what you learned such a
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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