Solved by a verified expert :Had someone else that did this and did NOT answer the question. I need someone that can work quickly but good since I didn’t get a good one the first time. Need someone with good english.Here is what I need:So I got in a bind and need some help. I had another gal from here that did it and then she completely didn’t answer the question. Here is what I need:It needs to be three to four pages – double spaced. I was thinking of taking the approach of the public education system as a bureacracy. I’ve written part of the first paragraph (not much I know), And have a few resources I can send as well.This is what I have so far:Identify a bureaucracy with which you are familiar (this may be where you work, but does not need to be). In what ways are Weber’s characteristics of a bureaucratic structure present? Present an argument as to whether the characteristics present in this bureaucracy result in alienation. What is bureaucracy? In simple terms, it is a process of taking a large amount of people who need to function and work together and effectively and administratively organizing them. Bureaucracy is taken from the French term bureaucratie which translates to “rule by desks or offices” (American Heritage Dictionary). A major contributor to the study of bureaucracy was Max Weber, a German sociologist during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Max Webber “proposed different characteristics found in effective bureaucracies that would effectively conduct decision-making, control resources, protect workers and accomplish organizational goals. (Richard, Davis, Scott, 2007References:bureaucracy. (n.d.) American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved March 10 2016 from, W. Richard., Gerald F. Davis, and W. Richard. Scott. Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural, and Open System Perspectives. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007I also found a couple of websites: I wasn’t done researching but that was a start – I’m just running out of time and have several other things I need to get accomplished.What do you think?The other girl only wrote 2 pages and all she did was talk about Max Webber and his philosophy and didnt’ answer the question asked.I am in a time crunch too and need it tomorrow afternoon.
Expert Answer :Identify a bureaucracy with which you are familiar
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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