Solved by a verified expert :Discussion: Choosing the Type of Research for a Research ProblemHow do you choose the type of research to conduct to address a research problem? What information should you keep in mind to ensure that your research process will adequately address your research problem?Post a three paragraph (at least 250–350 words) response with 2 References ( APA Style)Part 1: Patient Safety Problem- something specificDescribe the patient safety problem you identified, its causes, and the impact you think it has on patient outcomes. For this problem, describe a specific change in practice that could help improve patient outcomes.Part 2: Research on Patient Safety ProblemDevelop a research question that tests the effectiveness of your practice change in the improvement of one or more patient outcomes. What type of research would you use to answer this question? Describe the reasons why you think this is the best approach and why you would not use the other three types of research.Post a three paragraph (at least 250–350 words) response with 2 References ( APA Style)Understanding the different types of research is a critical skill for the nurse researcher and nursing professional. As a current nursing professional, consider how understanding the different types of research may be conducive to achieving a particular mission in your health care setting, such as developing an intervention to address a quality or patient safety problem. This knowledge can also be a step toward assuming a nursing leadership position. As a critical component of your nursing toolkit, differentiating between the types of research is a fundamental step toward enacting change through the process of research.
Expert Answer :How do you choose the type of research
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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