Solved by a verified expert :Written Assignment 1- Assessment of the current situation at
a health services organization – worth 15% of the grade
Task – You will be picking and analyzing a current health
services organization in terms of its current situation and focus on its
customers. Remember to follow all the
general requirements for written assignments published in the syllabus as well
as the details below. Refer to the
grading rubric in the syllabus before submitting your paper to ensure you have
given yourself the best opportunity for maximum credit.
Approach your written assignment as follows:
Pick a health services organization that you may work for or
with which you are familiar. It can be a
local or national organization.
Research the organization by visiting its website and, if possible,
its location.
Research the industry in which your organization operates,
e.g. nursing homes, private physician practice.
Using your findings, conduct a SWOT analysis of your
organization. Use the SWOT Analysis Worksheet provided under Course Content
Conduct a competitive analysis of your organization. Use the Competitive Analysis Worksheet
provided under Course Content.
Prepare your written assignment by addressing each of the
following questions in order:
What is the mission of the health care organization?
What are their corporate level goals?
Who are their customers?
From your SWOT analysis, what do you conclude are the
organization’s main strengths and weaknesses?
From your SWOT analysis, what do you conclude are the
organization’s main opportunities and threats?
Who are the primary competitors to the organization?
Do you think the organization has a customer-focused
orientation to its practices and procedures?
Why or why not?
NOTE: You will not
find definitive information on your organization relating to these questions,
some of the information is propriety or not available through public
means. Use and cite data whenever you
find it, or use your best judgment as to what you think is occurring at the
organization. Be sure to offer your
rationale for your conclusions.
Be sure to ask your faculty member any questions or concerns
you may have prior to preparing your written assignment.