Solved by a verified expert :CSR 710-Individual Project (15%)Summary: Take “SONY” as the company and critically evaluate itscode of conduct for its suppliers and vendors. Within the report youshould provide a succinct summary; identify a specificissue/challenge of the company code of conduct. You shouldcomplete a critical analysis about this issue/challenge. Then yourecommend the ways in which the company could improve thissituation in working with supplies and vendors.Points to Include Mastery of course material and concepts to date, to be demonstratedwithin your paper. Provide a URL references to the company’s codes of conduct Summarize and highlight the most important points of the codes ofconduct. The location and markets where the company source its supplies? How does this company define corporate social responsibility? How their suppliers and subcontractors are selected (bid, no-bid)? Does this code of conduct adhere to the UN’s Global Compact TenPrinciples? What do others (third party, activists) say about their codes ofconduct? What types of reporting and disclosure mechanisms are covered inthese codes of conduct? What types of internal measuring and compliance mechanisms exist inthese companies to monitor enforcements of these codes? Final recommendations on best practices in working with suppliers andvendors (what to do, what not to do)Report Format: Proper APA 6th Edition referencing is essential. Be absolutely certain toinclude a properly formatted list of references and accurate in-textcitations. Minimum five sources. Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, flow of thought, clarity of ideasand creativity Your report should be between four to five pages, plus title page andreference page, 12 size font, 1.5 line spacing and normal margins.Title page with Student Name and Student NumberProperly formatted body of report with paragraphs structuredappropriately (Headers can include: Company Overview, Codeof Conduct review, Critical Analysis, Recommendations forImprovement) 1 CSR 710-Individual Project (15%) Reference page (please make this a separate page) References: Anytime you refer to ideas that are not your own, you MUSTrefer to the source both in-text and in the reference page at the end of youressay. Use APA referencing style when you write up your paper. Ensure thatyour paper contains a page for references. Refer to for more informationabout proper citation. 2 CSR 710-Individual Project (15%)Marking Rubric (15%)Criteria Excellent Good Average Fair AnalysisandCreativeThinking Balancedpresentation ofrelevant andlegitimateinformation thatclearlysupports a centralpurpose orargument andshows athoughtful, indepth analysis ofa significant topic.Readergains importantinsights Informationprovidesreasonablesupport for acentral purpose orargument anddisplays evidenceofa basic analysis ofa significanttopic. Reader gainssome insights. Informationsupports a centralpurpose orargument at times.Analysis is basic orgeneral.Reader gains fewinsights Central purpose orargument isnot clearlyidentified.Analysis is vague ornotevident. Reader isconfused ormay bemisinformed. ResearchandContent The evidencecomes from a widevariety of validsources.The bibliography iscomplete andreflects theappropriatesources.The evidence usedreflects multipleviews.The ideas arearranged logicallyto support thepurpose orargument. Theyflow smoothlyfrom one toanother and areclearly linked toeach other.The reader canfollow the lineof reasoning. The evidencecomes from manyvalid sources.The bibliography iscomplete.The evidence usedreflects multipleviews. Valid sources areinconsistently used.The bibliography ismissing somepieces. The evidenceseldom comes fromvalid sources.The bibliography ismissing significantinformation. The ideas arearranged logicallytosupport the centralpurpose orargument. They areusuallyclearly linked toeach other. Forthe most part, thereader canfollow the line ofreasoning. In general, thewriting isarranged logically,althoughoccasionally ideasfail to makesense together. Thereader isfairly clear aboutwhat writerintends. The writing is notlogicallyorganized.Frequently, ideasfail to make sensetogether.The reader cannotidentify aline of reasoningand losesinterest StructureandOrganization MarksPossible(%) 3 6 5 2 CSR 710-Individual Project (15%)WritingMechanicsandGrammar The writing iscompelling. Ithooks the readerand sustainsinterest throughout The writing isgenerally engaging,but has some dryspots. In general,it is focused andkeeps the reader’sattention The writing is dullandUn-engaging.Though the paperhas someinteresting parts,thereader finds itdifficult to maintaininterest The writing haslittlepersonality. Thereaderquickly losesinterest and stopsreading APA style/format Documents sourcesusing APA formatpreciselythroughout Documents sourcesusing APA formatwith a few errors Documents sourcesusing APA formatwith many errors Does not use APAformat adequately 1 1 4
Expert Answer :George IBM 4032 – CSR 710 Individual Project , SON
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