Solved by a verified expert :Research: Writing Like a ScholarA research paper is an expanded essay that presents your own interpretation, evaluation, or argument, using what knowledge is already available on the subject. This type of paper involves studying a topic in order to find the best possible information in that field. Your paper must present your own opinions and ideas supported by your research, correctly credited to the original authors and organizations. Basic Requirements:Length: 900-1,500 words. A minimum of 900 words is required in order for your essay to be substantial. What is important is that you get your point across.Organization: Introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.Language: Use formal language and avoid the use of first and second person — avoid references to yourself (NO “I believe, in my opinion” etc.), no personal anecdotes, and do not address the reader (avoid “you” altogether).Documentation: five correctly documented quotes or paraphrases from five adequate sources.Style: APA style is usually used for the type of research you will be doing. Please use an abstract as per APA style requirements.Cross-referncing: You must use in-text citations (also known as in-text references) or signal phrases each time you use the words or ideas of your sources in the essay. Cross-reference your work as explained in your handbook. The handbook is especially necessary for this essay.Support: You’ll need a minimum of five sources. Support your ideas with expert opinion, facts, statistics, and other information you find in your research. It is a mistake to create a Frankenstein research paper by copying and pasting.Thesis statement:United States does not and will never tolerate terrorism especially terrorism on American soil and her citizens. There has been several terrorism attacks that have occurred in the US history but the worst being the one that happened on 11th September 2001. This attack that was conducted by an Islamic terrorist group known as al-Qaeda is regarded as the deadliest attack ever on American soil. The attack claimed a lot of innocent lives and for what? So that some individuals with their religious issues can proof a point. This very saddening and this should never ever happen again in United States. I strongly believe that United States should do everything in its power to stop terrorism and should never at any time negotiate with terrorist. Owing to the above alluded facts, this expose seeks to establish a critical analysis on the measures that United States should take to stop terrorism.
Expert Answer :ENC 1102 – Interpretation, evaluation, or argument
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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