Solved by a verified expert :DUE IN 12 Hours!ESSAY QUESTIONPlease research the term “Military Industrial Complex”. What does this term mean, who coined the term and when? How is this concept related to Third World military regimes? What roles do developed nations play in the arms business in Third World countries? Please think of present day examples.ESSAY INSTRUCTIONSEach essay must meet the following technical requirements: • Must be typed on white paper, using a black, “Times” or “Times New Roman,” 10-12-point font, with double-spacing and one-inch margins all around • Must include student name onlyat the top of the first page • Must be 2 pages in length (minimum)Points will be deducted for poor grammar, sentence structure and spelling.Submitting a brief paragraph instead of an essay will receive “0” points. The page requirement is enforced!Plagiarism in any form will earn a student “0” points. This means cutting and pasting from any source. If you cut and paste from internet sites or other sources, you will receive a “0”.Papers are to be submitted to the specified drop box on or before the due date. Each submitted paper must correspond to the readings scheduled during the week the paper is submitted.ESSAY GRADING Essay Grading RubricIndicatorPoints AwardedParagraph or less submitted0 Grade FTwo –three thin paragraphs of written text, (not including the question), one page document, definitions only- without examples.0-65Grade FPoor organization, grammar or word choice will result in reduced points.Three –five thin paragraphs of written text, (not including the question), one page document, with vague examples.66-76Grade D (Poor)Poor organization, grammar or word choice will result in reduced points.Six to eight thin paragraphs of written text, (not including the question), 2 pages, double spaced, adequate descriptions with vague examples77-87Grade C (Fair)Poor organization, grammar or word choice will result in reduced points.Eight rich paragraphs or more (not including the question), 2 pages, double spaced or greater, good descriptions of concepts indicating comprehension, presented with at least one clear example from observations and personal experiences.88-98Grade B (Good)Poor organization, grammar or word choice will result in reduced points.Eight rich paragraphs or more (not including the question), 2-3 pages, double spaced or greater, excellent descriptions of concepts indicating comprehension, presented with two clear examples from observations and personal experiences showing notable thought given to the assignment.99-105 Grade A (Excellent)Poor organization, grammar or word choice will result in reduced points.Nine rich paragraphs or greater (not including the question), 2-3 pages or more double spaced, superior understanding of concepts, demonstration of cognitive thought, use of creative examples applied to course material, and logical progression of ideas. This category is reserved for the most scholarly submissions that show not only mastery of the material, but extension of the concepts through well considered application.106-110 Grade A (Outstanding)