Solved by a verified expert :The ACA: The Uninsured Population in the U.S.Hernandez, Fornos, Mika, Urbanksy, and Villarreal (2009) reported the following:”Lack of health insurance has detrimental effects on the health and well-being of people and creates financial pressure on health care institutions. Uninsured adults are more likely to postpone health care and are less able to afford prescription drugs or follow through with recommended treatments than the insured. The consequences to reduced access to care can be severe, particularly when preventable conditions go untreated.”Reference:Hernandez, G. B., Fornos, L. B., Mika, V. S., Urbanksy, K., & Villarreal, R. (2009). One regional health system’s innovative steps to deal with the uninsured. Journal of Health Care Finance, 36(1), 70–84.Click the following link to learn about America’s uninsured population:Who Are the Uninsured? An Analysis of America’s Uninsured Population, Their Characteristics and Their HealthO’Neil and O’Neil (2009) also published a comprehensive study in which they arrive at the following conclusion:”We find as have others, that lack of health insurance is not likely to be the major factor causing higher mortality rates among the uninsured. The uninsured—particularly the involuntarily uninsured—have multiple disadvantages that in themselves are associated with poor health.”Reference:O’Neil, J., & O’Neil, D. (2009). Who are the uninsured? An analysis of America’s uninsured population, their characteristics and their health. Retrieved from 2009.pdfTasks:In this assignment, you will explore the uninsured population in the U.S. On the basis of the knowledge gained from your readings and Internet research, respond to the following:Identify the population (number, demographics, etc.) of uninsured people in the U.S.Discuss some of the reasons for and possible financial consequences of not having health insurance.Discuss the socioeconomic consequences of having a large uninsured population in the U.S.Describe the changes that will occur to assist the uninsured population with the Patient Protection and ACA.Please cite in APA and use sources less than three years old.
Expert Answer :Discuss some of the reasons for and possible finan
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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