Solved by a verified expert :Marketing. Response of 300 words. Discuss several ways in which physical goods are different from pure services. Provide examples/research to back up your post. Give specific examples of good and services that illustrate your points, along with support to back up your points. How much does brand familiarity/brand equity play in determining the success or failure of a good or service. Please use the following textbook chapters 9 and 10 as a reference. Perreault, W.D., Cannon, J.P., & McCarthy, E.J. (2014). Basic Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach (19th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Use other sources as needed and also cite in text please.
Expert Answer :Discuss several ways in which physical goods
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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