Solved by a verified expert :Discovery Paper: The WOW OrganizationWe read every day about survey results that identify the “Best Companies to Work.”What are the characteristics making up the best of the best?High performing innovative organizations create and sustain an environment and cultureof positive and productive employee morale resulting in the achievement oforganizational objectives.Developing a high performance organization is based upon many variables. One suchsuccess factor or variable is the promotion, achievement and sustainment of a culturewhere everyone loves the work environment and culture – to a point where they areenjoying their work so much they don’t want to leave it!As a supervisor/manager/executive, what would you do to create a culture whereeveryone loves to come to work and who produce outstanding results?Utilizing your learning from the course, from research, interviewing people, searchingmagazines and web sites for articles that identify the best companies, etc., develop apaper that addresses the following:1. Describe a high performing organization (in your words) as if it existed (describeit as if you are describing this organization to person who is vision impaired).2. Create a Top 10 List of activities you would do to achieve a high performingorganization. For each item cite your source.3. Identify an existing organization (provide a video link of the organization) thatexemplifies an organization close to the one you have identified.4. Describe what is different from the organization you defined (#1 above) and theone you identified as an example (#3 above).5. Provide in text citations linked to a Works Cited Section containing your research.This is an incredibly valuable exercise for you – a tool you will want to keep.Be prepared to present your paper to the class. David Siefert Page 1 of 1 3/7/2017
Expert Answer :Discovery – The WOW Organization
by moses | Jun 25, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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